We use the Zodiac Hurricaneâ„¢ as it is a standard in marine safety and provides a safe, stable and exciting whale watching experience.
No. The ocean is not an aquarium and no operator can guarantee whale sightings. You do have our personal guarantee that you will have a great trip and a 95% chance of sighting whales.
We operate only when the conditions are safe. High winds, heavy rain and very dense fog will keep us tied to the dock. Light rain and fog may delay the trip but we have great success finding whales in the fog……you listen for them. Be prepared for a hardy adventure me mates!
The maximum travel time to see whales is about 45 minutes from the dock. The speed of our boat is a definite advantage when they are “offshore”. Generally the farther “offshore” you go the bigger the species you will see. The term “offshore” is a bit deceiving as we are never more than 5 miles from land. Mid-summer the whales are as close as 20 minutes from the dock (Zodiac time!!!).
No. We have restricted under five years of age for safety and security reasons. A child of three years of age for instance, can become unmanageable and be hard to reason with in case they are not enjoying the “ride”. Our Zodiac is a fast, high adventure ride and our experience has told us that kids five years and older will enjoy the ride and understand the Captain’s directives. We would be pleased to recommend another whale watch boat should your family include young ones.